So far so good. I have decided that from now on, I am not going to look at the scale when they weigh me because no matter what they say, it's still difficult seeing those numbers creep up so quickly.
How far along?: 29 weeks
•Current Weight: 144
•Total weight gain: 24 pounds (huge sigh)
•How big is baby?: we've got a butternut squash
•Due date: August 10th
•Sleep?: not for a full night
•Movement?: Did ya see the video?
•Food cravings?: watermelon, strawberries, and blueberry pancakes
•Next apt?: June 15th
•Belly button in or out?: It's starting to come out
•What I miss: working out
•What I'm looking forward to: seeing Sex and the City with my fellow preggie friend
•Feelings: Tired and started to get bothered by not being able to do much without back pain or being out of breath.