Tuesday, February 7, 2012


i've been bitten by the organizational bug lately.  i hate when i want a certain belt, and it is not easy to get to on my belt hanger, which consists of a half circle ring that i have hanging in the closet.  so i was thinking, duh, i can use the old towel rack that we have sitting in the basement instead.  it works out perfectly because there are 2 rows and the belts slip on and off easily.  i wish i would have thought of this sooner.


  1. Sabina, I LOVE this idea! I am totally going to try this! Thanks for sharing.
    Elisabeth at BeautyBlondie.com

  2. It is so nice and easy now to get the belt i want instead of making a mess on the floor getting the belt that i want of the hook.

  3. I am so proud of you for going through everything. I am having people over on Saturday for a cleaning out your closet party and I would love for you to come. It is at 7 and we are exchanging all of our old goodies.


thanks for the nice comment :-)