Monday, June 27, 2011

for caleb

this weekend we took you to your very first farmer's market as an outside baby (last time mama was 8 or 9 months preggo with you).  you love to be pushed around in your stroller and look at everyone that passes by.

we stopped and looked at some baby chicks.  you thought they were just so funny.  i bet they thought the same thing about you.

i don't think you knew what to think of these baby goats, but they were so cute.

seeing things for the first time through your eyes is a remarkable feeling baby boy.  this is one of my new favorite pictures of us.

you're still not too sure on this whole grass thing.  you held up your little leg in protest while dada encouraged you.

you were trying your best!

and then it was time to go.  by the way, this is how you like to roll.  you make everyone crack up when they see you sitting like this, but this is how you like to sit all the time in here.

we can't wait to take you to many more farmer's markets each summer weekend.

with love,

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